The Wandering Inn Wiki

Ailendamus is a nation of Terandria, currently under the rule of Itorin II.


Ailendamus is around three times as large as three of its neighbors: Kaliv, Calanfer and Gaiil-Drome.

Ailendamus is home to the Order of the Thirsting Veil.[1] Ailendamus has a defensive pact with the kingdom of the Taimaguros Dominion.[2]


28 years before the events of book 6, the war of Petril’s Folly had set Ailendamus and six other nations against the three kingdoms mentioned above. The war apparently ended without either side claiming a complete victory over the others.[3]

In another recent war, Ailendamus won against Phaislant.[4]

Their warmongering and constant desire to conquer more lands has brought forth anti-Ailendamus sentiments even among apolitical organisations like the Order of Seasons.[5]


Ailendamus is a generous sponsor of Wistram Academy which bought them lots of favorable coverage in spyglass-broadcasts.[1]

As of Volumes 6 and 7, more and more hints are dropped towards Ailendamus soon going to war against coalitions of smaller kingdoms.[2][6]

A [Sword Captain] sent by King Itorin II tried to annex the Tergil River farmlands that were under control of Kaliv but the raid was repelled by the Griffin Prince.[7]


