The Wandering Inn Wiki

This Chapter Overview lists chapter blurbs for the reader's convenience. For a list of all chapters from all volumes, see Chapter List; for more detailed information on each chapter, see the synopsis of each linked chapter; for a chronology of events, see Chapter Timeline.

Volume One[]


Volume One (Archived)[]

  • Chapter 1.00: While running away from Goblins after being transported to a strange new world, Erin Solstice comes across an abandoned inn.
  • Chapter 1.01: Erin cleans the inn and levels up. Also she's really hungry.
  • Chapter 1.02: Erin picks blue fruit and fights Rock Crabs.
  • Chapter 1.03: Goblins pick a fight with Erin.
  • Chapter 1.04: Erin takes a bath and fights a fish.
  • Chapter 1.05: While looking for food, Erin accidentally destroys the Inn's preservation runes.
  • Chapter 1.06: Erin discovers that the flies explode acid and tries making pasta.
  • Chapter 1.07: Erin meets a giant talking Ant and Dragon Drake.
  • Chapter 1.08: Erin meets an unwelcome guest while preparing for guests.
  • Chapter 1.09: Erin beats up a necromancer then serves him pasta.
  • Chapter 1.10: Dinner and a show.
  • Chapter 1.11: Erin saves Pisces from being executed for his crimes.
  • Interlude - 1: More Earthers begin popping up all over the world.
  • Chapter 1.12: Erin travels to Liscor for the first time.
  • Chapter 1.13: Erin's first shopping trip goes badly.
  • Chapter 1.14: Relc and Goblins act like jerks.
  • Chapter 1.15: Beware of Drakes bearing gifts. Especially if the Drake is Relc.
  • Chapter 1.16: Erin deals with a very unwelcome guest.
  • Chapter 1.17: Erin deals with the aftermath of the attack. Klbkch tries two different approaches with dealing with other species.
  • Chapter 1.18: The Goblins get a free meal.
  • Chapter 1.19: Erin travels to Liscor again and plays chess with a [Tactician] for a refund.
  • Chapter 1.20: Erin meets a Gnoll [Shopkeeper] and officially names her inn. Thus begins the story of The Wandering Inn.
  • Interlude – 1.00 R: Meet Ryoka Griffin: the bare-footed Runner with footnotes.
  • Chapter 1.01 R: Ryoka rejects other people's advice and criticizes the world.
  • Chapter 1.21: Erin suffers through her period and becomes friends with a Drake [Receptionist] .
  • Chapter 1.22: Pisces saves Erin's life and she creates her first menu.
  • Chapter 1.23: Erin, Relc and Klbkch talks about Goblins, Antinium, and dungeons.
  • Interlude – King Edition: A slumbering [King] is inspired by twins from another world.
  • Chapter 1.24: The Wandering Inn holds a chess tournament.
  • Chapter 1.02 R: Ryoka meets the Horns of Hammerad, and has a run-in with an unpleasant Runner while delivering a package to Magnolia Reinhart.
  • Chapter 1.03 R: Ryoka makes ice cream with Magnolia and her maids, then gets run over.
  • Chapter 1.25: Erin is stabbed by Goblins. Klbkch saves the day and gets himself killed.
  • Chapter 1.26: Everyone blames Erin for Klbkch's death, including herself. Pawn introduces himself.
  • Chapter 1.27: A crowd of all of Erin's current Liscorian friends watch her play an [Immortal Game].
  • Chapter 1.04 R: Ryoka has a broken leg. Enter the Horns of Hammerad owing her a favor.
  • Chapter 1.05 R: Ryoka refuses to let Magnolia help her.
  • Chapter 1.28: Erin becomes curious about adventuring.
  • Chapter 1.06 R: Ryoka is taken to Liscor, where Pisces fixes her leg.
  • Chapter 1.29: Ryoka runs back to Celum, while Erin finishes her first adventure and meets Gazi.
  • Chapter 1.30: Human adventurers come to Liscor, and the Antinium Queen introduces Ksmvr.
  • Chapter 1.31: Erin in high demand from all sides: Lism, city guard, nosy Krshia, Olesm with Niers' puzzle, nosy Gazi. Pisces has debts to Liscor settled.
  • Chapter 1.07 R: Desperate, Ryoka begins her run into the High Passes.
  • Chapter 1.08 R: Ryoka arrives, injured, at Teriarch's cave.
  • Chapter 1.32: Erin tries to get Rags as her inn bouncer, but instead she gets Toren.
  • Chapter 1.33: Erin accustoms herself with Toren, the inn gets into a brawl with stupid adventurers.
  • Chapter 1.09 R: Ryoka is interrogated by Teriarch, then gets her quest to go to Az'kerash.
  • Chapter 1.10 R: Ryoka talks to Garia, brawls with an adventurer, and ditches Magnolia's assassin.
  • Chapter 1.34: Erin and Ryoka learn about Magic, Krshia learns about Earth.
  • Chapter 1.35: Krshia learns about Earth (II), Toren is named.
  • Chapter 1.11 R: The raid on Liscor's dungeon is planned in Esthelm. Ryoka and the horns get to talk.
  • Chapter 1.12 R: Ryoka fights against Yvlon and Calruz. Doesn't go well.
  • Chapter 1.36: Lyonette torches the market, Ksmvr captures Pawn, Erin meets the Horns.
  • Chapter 1.37: The Horns plan their raid on Liscors Dungeon in the Wandering Inn.
  • Chapter 1.38: Erin sings an [Immortal Song] and doesn't fall for Ksmvr's trap.
  • Chapter 1.39: Erin is ill, but well-guarded by Toren. Her guests deal with each other in the meantime.
  • Chapter 1.40: Gazi shows that she has ulterior motives and travels south. Calruz promises to tutor Erin.
  • Chapter 1.13 R: Ryoka runs into the inactive Bloodfields.
  • Chapter 1.41: Final prepartions of the Horns to enter the ruins, Calruz teaches Erin to fight.
  • Chapter 1.00 H: The expedition enters the ruins of Liscor until they run into a trap.
  • Chapter 1.01 H: The expedition's adventurers defeat many undead and finishes Level 2 of the ruins.
  • Chapter 1.02 H: The ruins' undead defeat the adventurers and finish many of the expedition. Skinner revealed.
  • Chapter 1.42: Skinner attacks Liscor! The individual workers rebel in the hive and come to Erin.
  • Chapter 1.43: Skinner attacks the Wandering Inn. Liscor still fights undead.
  • Chapter 1.44: Erin defeats Skinner, Rags kills it. Klbkch returns and the Antinium defeat the remaining undead.
  • Chapter 1.45: Aftermath of the battle, debriefing and grieving. Zevara is angry, and Ryoka returns only to be overwhelmed with bad news.

Volume Two[]

(Volume Summary: Winter has come; Ryoka delivers Teriarch's note to Az'kerash; Erin's inn is relocated and more popular, gains Lyonette and loses Toren as staff; Horns of Hammerad reform under Ceria; Rags leaves.)

  • Interlude - 2: Group chat among Earthworlders. Batman exposes Kent Scott. Flos announces return.
  • Chapter 2.00: Erin and Ryoka meet each other.
  • Chapter 2.01: Ryoka and Erin's talk is interrupted by patrons who make it a busy and drunk night.
  • Chapter 2.02: Pisces, Ryoka, Erin organize rescue for the Horns and enter the ruins.
  • Chapter 2.03: Inside the ruins, they find Ceria and Olesm, still alive.
  • Chapter 2.04: Return to the surface, while Pisces learns of Interlude 2. Gazi attacks the city watch...
  • Chapter 2.05: ...and tries to kidnap Erin and Ryoka. Erin pokes her eye and foils her plan. Winter starts.
  • Chapter 2.06 (fake): April Fool's chapter.
  • Chapter 2.06 (real): Theofore reports back to Magnolia. Erin and Ryoka have a discussion. Worldbuilding.
  • Chapter 2.07: After a planning session with Erin, Ryoka leaves towards the north.
  • Chapter 2.08: Ryoka arrives in Celum, and meets fellow runners as well as Octavia. Worldbuilding happens.
  • Chapter 2.09: Erin goes to Liscor, meeting Selys, Peslas, Ceria, Olesm. Stuff about Liscor is revealed.
  • Chapter 2.10 T: Toren explodes the Wandering Inn, is sent away, falls into the rift of the dungeon.
  • Chapter 2.11: Erin has good friends who all help her rebuild the inn.
  • Chapter 2.12: Ryoka meets Teriarch and renegotiates her delivery to the Necromancer.
  • Chapter 2.13: Erin introduces hamburgers to Liscor and meets Hawk. Ceria moves into the Inn.
  • Chapter 2.14 G: Rags is told to get lost. Invention of stone crossbow and glimpse into the dungeon.
  • Chapter 2.15: Ryoka gets her final equipment for her second Bloodfields run, and meets Valceif.
  • Chapter 2.16: Valceif delivers the magical chessboard to Erin and helps Ryoka remembering...
  • Chapter 2.17: ...the dragon Teriarch. Later, Ryoka and Erin have an iPhone concert.
  • Chapter 2.18: Ryoka gets tips from the couriers, while Erin tests out the magical chessboard.
  • Chapter 2.19 G: Rags returns to inn. Relc threatens her and she starts her campaign.
  • Chapter 2.20: Toren returns. Frost faeries at large in the inn. Lyonette caught.
  • Chapter 2.21: Erin prepares a banquet for the Faeries and is rewarded in flowers.
  • Chapter 2.22 K: Gazi arrives in Reim. Flos declares war on Empire of Sands.
  • Chapter 2.23: Lyonette exiled and rescued by Erin. PoV of Toren, Queen, Krshia, Selys.
  • Chapter 2.24 T: Toren goes out and kills stuff. He meets Lyonette and Griffon Hunt.
  • Chapter 2.25: Lyonette is forced to labor for Erin. Bad times for everyone involved.
  • Chapter 2.26: Brunkr and his Gnolls attack the inn. Halfseekers introduce themselves.
  • Chapter 1.00 C: Tom is one of the Americans stranded on Rhir. When Demons attack...
  • Chapter 1.01 C: Tom can fight back against them, becoming a slightly insane [Clown].
  • Chapter 2.27 G: Rags beats the tribes of Pyrite and Garen, also learns of Goblin Lord.
  • Chapter 2.28: Ryoka is harrassed by Faeries on run south. Makes peace by storytelling.
  • Chapter 2.29: Introduction of Az'kerash. Ryoka encounters Ilvriss and Zel in their war.
  • Chapter 2.30: Ryoka delivers Teriarch's letter to Az'kerash. Zel wins war with Ilvriss.
  • Chapter 2.31: Erin introduces the concepts of pizza and religion to Halrac and Pawn.
  • Chapter 2.32 H: Ceria, Pisces, Yvlon, Ksmvr: discuss being a party and repel attacking Goblins.
  • Chapter 2.33: Horns reformed, go to Albez. Goblin Lord emerged. Magnolia invites Erin.
  • Chapter 2.34: Ryoka learns about Faeries and starts her search for Mrsha.
  • Chapter 2.35: Ryoka rescues Mrsha. Zel battles the Goblin Lord. Stone Spears tribe eliminated.
  • Chapter 2.36 G: Rags learns much from and about Garen Redfang. Last return to the inn.
  • Chapter 2.37: Erin meets other people from Earth in Magnolia's Mansion.
  • Chapter 2.38: Erin meets Magnolia, plays chess against her and they reach an understanding.
  • Interlude - 3: Magnolia, Niers and BlackMage caught planning and/or plotting.
  • S02 – The Antinium Wars (Pt.1): Historiographic account of First Antinium War. Begin-Mid.
  • S02 – The Antinium Wars (Pt.2): Historiographic account of First Antinium War. Mid-End.
  • Chapter 2.39: Erin back from Magnolia. Rags and Garen visit the inn. Ryoka returns with Mrsha.
  • Chapter 2.40: Mrsha settled in inn. Ryoka talks with Erin, Krshia, tests Faerie Drink.
  • Chapter 2.41: Ryoka and Klbkch talk about Rhirgod and levels. Mrsha in the playground.
  • Chapter 2.42: Erin invents the Toren-powered sleigh, finds the bees.
  • Chapter 2.43: Level System worldbuilding. Toren abducts Erin via sleigh.
  • Chapter 2.44: Erin is lost, but makes it to Celum. Meets Grev, Wesle and Octavia.
  • Chapter 2.45: Ryoka begs the Frost Faeries and Teriarch to help her find Erin. Riddle time.
  • S03 – Wistram Days (Pt.1): Flashback: Pisces and Ceria arrive in Wistram.
  • Chapter 2.46: Ryoka receives magical tome in exchange for iPhone copy, is teleported to Celum.
  • Chapter 2.47: Erin creates Corusdeer Soup. Erin and Ryoka meet Agnes.
  • Chapter 2.48: Rags sieges Esthelm; Assassins go after Magnolia; Liscor's Dungeon opened.

Volume Three[]

(Volume Summary: Erin gets the magical door, Lyonette gets character development, Esthelm gets rekt.)

  • Chapter 3.00 E: Laken arrives in Riverfarm, meets Durene and becomes an incognito [Emperor].
  • Chapter 3.01 E: Laken and Durene become lovers after he learned of her heritage.
  • Chapter 3.02 H: Horns of Hammerad discover new rooms in the Ruins of Albez.
  • Chapter 3.03: Erin and Ryoka still in Celum, Ryoka gets to know Ivolethe.
  • Chapter 3.04: Ryoka and Ivolethe bond over the runner's guild destruction.
  • Chapter 3.05 L: Lyonette all alone in the Inn, becoming desperate.
  • Chapter 1.00 D: Geneva hires with a Balerosian company and becomes a [Doctor].
  • Chapter 1.01 D: Geneva tries to keep fighters alive, is nearly killed but rescued by disabled Okasha.
  • Chapter 3.06 L: Pawn has a bad start with founding an Antinium religion.
  • Chapter 3.07 H: Horns escape from insanity pit and battle guardian golem.
  • Chapter 3.08 H: Horns return to civilization victorious and lodge in Ocre.
  • Chapter 3.09: Ryoka learns of the events of Albez. Ressa interrupts Ryoka's meeting with Ceria.
  • Chapter 3.10: Ryoka leaves with Ressa and Reynolds towards Invrisil. On the way, they meet Rags.
  • Chapter 3.11 E: Laken finds and tames Frostwing, and meets and nobilitates Frost Faeries.
  • Chapter 3.12 E: Laken rescues more than half of Riverfarm which is buried under an avalanche.
  • Chapter 3.13: Ryoka arrives at Magnolia's estate and they have a rhetoric duel.
  • Chapter 3.14: The Circle of Thorn attacks; Ryoka is put aside. Laken on the way to Invrisil.
  • Chapter 3.15: Erin is bored in Celum, wanders around and meets Jasi.
  • Chapter 3.16: Trying to find a class for Jasi, Erin brings the theater to Celum. Romeo+Juliet performed.
  • S03 – Wistram Days (Pt.2): Flashback: Ceria and Pisces make friends at Wistram. Secrets are a currency. Cognita and Illphris are introduced. First necromancy hints.
  • Chapter 3.17 T: Toren and Redfang Warriors go to Esthelm. Intro of [Florist]
  • Chapter 3.18 T: Introduction of Ylawes. Redfangs and Toren roam in Esthelm, meet Florist.
  • Chapter 3.19 T: Redfangs and Toren roam in Esthelm. Ylawes organizes the city.
  • Chapter 3.20 T: Redfang Warriors defeat Toren+Goblin Army, get decimated. Florist dies.
  • Chapter 3.21 L: Pawn tries to lead his Soldiers while Lyonette learns how to survive by killing bees.
  • Chapter 3.22 L: Lyonette adopts Mrsha, Antinium discover a whole new world, and Mrsha paints them.
  • Chapter 3.23 L: Lyonette cares for Mrsha and her grub, Pawn and Krshia talk, Zel and Ilvriss meet the Antinium delegation.
  • Chapter 3.24: The Horns find Erin, watch Hamlet, and Pisces cuts Toren off.
  • Chapter 3.25: Erin gets happier with Frozen, the Horns steal a door, and Erin claims it for herself.
  • Chapter 3.26 G: Garen takes control and brings the tribe to Tremborag. Rags claims that they are not Goblin.
  • Chapter 3.27 M: Mrsha meets Gold ranks, Antinium, and falls into a chasm.
  • Chapter 3.28 G: Rags visits the factions, raids a town for women, and leads a rebellion away from Tremborag.
  • Chapter 3.29 G: Rags returns the women, reorganizes her tribe, and creates pike walls.
  • Chapter 3.30: Erin negotiates the door’s usage and the Horns meet Teriarch.
  • Chapter 3.31 G: Rags tests her Goblins against the Village of the Dead, then robs adventurers and mercenaries
  • S03 – Wistram Days (Pt.3): Wistram politics and history. Pisces 'acquires' a new spellbook. He and Ceria study its spells.
  • S03 – Wistram Days (Pt.4): Pisces and Ceria take the exam; P saves C after she's attacked by a student. Ceria melts Illphres' obstacle to her course.
  • S03 – Wistram Days (Pt.5): Wistram politics. At Pirate raid Pisces is outed and subsequently shunned as a necromancer. Illphres accepts Ceria.
  • S03 – Wistram Days (Pt.6): One year later. Pisces remains shunned. Ceria teaches. Illphres plans joint attack on Cognita.
  • S03 – Wistram Days (Pt.7): Pisces and Ceria reconciled somewhat. Attack failed. P uses the failed attack to rob a crypt, leading to a golem counterattack, which kills mages. P is banned and C leaves Wistram in disgust at council. Cognita supersedes and recognises P and C as full Wistram mages.
  • Chapter 3.32: Door transported to Esthelm. Erin helps Esthelm. Horns (partially) and Erin arrive at Wandering Inn.
  • Chapter 3.33: Erin's back! Door connected to Octavia's shop. There's a party. The inn turns magical.
  • Chapter 3.34: Erin organises help for Esthelm, provided by Liscor, Antinium via door. Other Antinium introduced to Erin.
  • Chapter 3.35: Ryoka reads about Innworld's history. She also watches Laken as he makes his way through Invrisil.
  • Chapter 3.36: Ryoka uses a distracting thief to talk to Laken w/o Durene around. Ryoka receives appraisal of Horns' loot.
  • Chapter 3.37: Laken buys supplies for Riverfarm w/ Ryoka's and Reynold's support. R learns of Valceif's death.
  • Chapter 3.38: Erin is homesick and plans for Christmans. She visits Krsha and injured Brunkr; she confers w/ Ryoka. Honey is gathered, a poultice applied.
  • Chapter 3.39: Fake smile, chess newsletter, christmas explanations. Octavia tasked w/ matchsticks and penicillin. Magical soup.
  • Chapter 3.40: Ryoka provides Laken w/ DIY blueprints. Blackmage phone call. R negotiates w/ appraiser for items.
  • Chapter 3.41: Christmas eve episode. Ryoka runs to Riverfarm. Ivolethe goes Rudolf Rednose. Party at Inn. Mistletoe kissing. Mrsha w/ matches. Relc Guerilla Santa. Gifts.
  • Chapter 3.42: Christmas party. Lots of people and work. Overworked and homesick, Erin crashes hard. Speculations about her home. Gifts.
  • Interlude - 4: Winter solstice. Ryoka encounters three strangers, bargaining. Erin hosts three guests, bargaining.

Volume 4[]
