The Wandering Inn Wiki

Elia Arcsinger is a Half-Elven Named Adventurer that is most famous for having slain the Goblin King.




During the 2nd Antinium War, Elia succeeded, to everybody's confusion, in killing the Goblin King. None doubt that she did the deed, namely to have fired an arrow that pierced his eye, resulting in the fatal injury. However, what none can understand is how the arrow could even hit its target. The Goblin King should have been able to avoid it or catch it, as he had done numerous times in other battles.

Some speculate that he failed to do so in this case might have been due to the chaos of the battlefield, or the effects of one of the spells he endured. Nevertheless, there remains a vocal minority who claim that Elia Arcsinger used a special Skill or had some other enchantment on her body she herself may have been unaware of. Or perhaps her latest abilities were the reason for her miraculous shot. After all, the half-Elf’s fame for killing the Goblin King has resulted in Elia Arcsinger becoming known as one of the greatest Named Adventurers of this age. The title of Kingslayer and her famous [Line-Ender Shot] Skill obtained from killing the Goblin King do seem to indicate that the credit for the Goblin King’s death should lie with Elia Arcsinger and no other. And yet, many [Strategists] still argue the event to this day.S02 – The Antinium Wars (Pt.5)


Powers and Abilities



  • [Line-Ender Shot]
  • [Piercing Shot]



