The Wandering Inn Wiki

Innworld is the term that readers have come up with to designate the world The Wandering Inn takes place in. This page is intended to cover all of the general information about the world and how it is different from Earth.

Scrollmap by geoawk

A map of Innworld as roughly outlined by Ryoka in Volume 2.
Fanwork by geoawk.

World-wide leveling system

All over Innworld, most sentient beings are able to level in what is called Classes, and thus gain Skills (see there for further details). That includes many listed people of the Races page (with the following exceptions: Dragons, Frost Faeries, Raskghar, Trolls, Vampires: these are presumed monsters), and excludes all listed entries of the Monsters page (with the exception of leveling Undead, of which the only known instance is Toren). This leveling system announces the accomplishments inside the mind of the leveled-up person[1] in a universal language.[2]

Physical Properties

Innworld is said to not be a round planet - explorers have instead discovered what they call the Edge of the World.[3] Also, the world has twin moons that wax and wane independently from each other, and also a single sun and either no actual equator or a weird one.[4]

The world has been guesstimated by Ryoka and later other Earthers to have around 3 times the surface area of Earth.[5] The enormous size of the continents clearly supports this theory: Izril, the only continent for which there are very rough measurements available, was estimated by Ryoka to span 8000 miles from North to South[6], which combined with its width suggests a size comparable to Eurasia. Yet, it is just the third-largest of the continents.

Erin noticed right after her transportation to the world how the sky itself was visibly different from Earth: The vivid blue infinity above her head [...] was different from the one she had seen all her life.[7] This suggests at least a thicker atmosphere, or some other reason why there is more air between the sun and the ground. Another difference is that - at least in Liscor's late autumn - the sun set closer to the south than the west in this world.[8]

It seems to be common knowledge among people on the world that it is flat, which includes the academically interested at Wistram Academy. Wistram's Earthers have introduced the concept of a round world to its [Mages], but the theory didn't receive wide approval, despite measurements taken by mages all around the world that indicated to the Earthers that their assumption of a round planet is correct.

Continents, Racial Geography and Major Powers

Innworld SynMap

Comparison of the known Innworld and Earth. (Artist rendition and guesses, not canon)

The Innworld has 5 continents, by the names of Terandria, Izril, Chandrar, Rhir, and Baleros. There is also a massive archipelago filled with whirlpools and deadly storms that is all that remains of the sixth continent[5], but that place has not been detailed further yet.

This section lists the major races that live on each continent, and the major powers in world politics.


Not much is known about Terandria yet; it is however common knowledge that Humans are vastly dominant there. In many places, other races are discriminated against. There is a plethora of large and small kingdoms and other realms there, and Knight Orders wield great powers throughout the continent. The feuding, but often ancient human kingdoms of Terandria maintain a solid infrastructure[9], but there is still large untamed wilderness in many places.[10]


Political Map of Izril (Artist's rendition)


The Drakes and Gnolls live in the southern half of Izril where they clearly dominate, as a result of a large-scale human invasion a few millenia ago. Drake politics are dominated by the six Walled Cities, while the Gnolls are either tolerated there or live a nomadic life in the plains. In the human-dominated North, the Five Families have been historical dominant, although currently only two scions of these families are politically prominent: Magnolia Reinhart and Tyrion Veltras.

The Antinium, being recent invaders from Rhir, are not recognized diplomatically anywhere but in Liscor, and don't intend to be. Two other powerful figures who are currently choosing to stay hidden from the open stage are Teriarch and Az’kerash.


Map of Chandrar (Artist's rendition)


The most important organization on Chandrar are the Slavers of Roshal, a millenia-old and powerful economoical instituion. The currently largest and most powerful realm that was introduced in the story is the Empire of Sands, followed by the realm of Nerrhavia Fallen. Both of these realms are ruled/led by String People. The Siren of Savere rules a naval nation that plays in the big leagues with regards to piracy. Flos Reimarch is the previous ruler of the vast continent and currently trying to reclaim his glory.

Djinni lived on Chandrar, but not much is known about them.


The Blighted King rules over the human side of Rhir, supplied allies of all nations. The demons are a race that is opposing them in constant warfare, not being backed by other known nations or groups. It is unknown if further lands are not claimed by either side (former Antinium areas and the residence of the alleged entity called the 'sleeping god')


Map of Baleros (Artist's rendition)


Of the Four Great Companies of Baleros, three are listed above, since in each one, a specific race is dominant. However, other races are still hired in the companies; with the possible exception of the Eyes, about whom much is unknown. The Forgotten Wing Company is the newest and most multi-racial of the Big Four, having toppled a great company dominated by Lizardfolk a few decades ago. Hundreds if not thousands of other companies exist and rule over the rest of Baleros.


The magical studying place of Wistram Academy is not politically aligned, but has fierce internal politics itself. Major rivalling powers are the archmages Feor and Nailihuaile.


The Minotaurs prefer to live without foreign influence, which is why their islands are famous for having not many outsiders to the minotaur race living there. They are one of the foremost naval powers, especially around their archipelago.


The Drath Archipelago might be identical with the remains of the sixth continent of the world, which was destroyed in a cataclysmic event long ago.[5]

Non-Continental or Unknown



The dominant spoken language in the world is English, which can be understood by all people that the story introduced so far (with the exception of Earthers who don't speak English). There are however other languages[11] such as the one used by the Drathians.[12]


Unlike in Celum in which the citizens not only speak English but also use the same writing system, which possibly goes for most other human cities,[11] in Liscor the people only speak in English while another completely different written language has been implemented.[13]

It seems that older written texts need translation, which involves for examples books older than some thousand years; and glyphs found in ancient crypts. This translation is usually done through magic.[14][15]

There are no reports of any basic education system in the whole world. Yet, most people in the story seem to be able to read without issues (for example, even eremitic [Farmers] are used to exchange messages; guild jobs are posted on announcement boards; etc.). The only known persons who professed not being able to read at some point, were Garia Strongheart and Durene.


While an afterlife exists, it doesn't last long. Something old walks the land of death that devours everything it can find, hence so few spirits remain. It doesn't stop there, however, as it has set its eyes on the living as well and comes for them sooner or later.[16]In ages past, [Witches], [Shamans], and [Summoners] consorted with spirits, but due to it being so difficult nowadays their powers have greatly been diminished.[17]

