The Wandering Inn Wiki

Terandria, the continent north from Izril, is generally referred to as the "Human continent". Much like its nickname, it is indeed most commonly populated by Humans. The cities are similar to what you'd expect to see in a medieval Europe. It is a very violent place, as the many kingdom located there constantly fight one another.[1] Other than Humans, the continent is also the home of Half-Elves and Dwarves.



During the Goblin Crusades, 10 years ago, multiple armies of Goblins rampaged throughout the north of Izril and sailed across to the Human continent, Terandria. There were at least a hundred thousand Goblins in each army, and their king had a million Goblins at his back when he was defeated in the Blood Fields.[2]





  • In a certain city, there's an arrest warrants and a small bounty for a certain half-Elf kid, for theft, property damage and something else.[3]
  • Generally, Antinium are considered to be nothing more than monsters in these parts. Gnolls, Drakes, and other non-human races are looked down upon, and are considered to be secondary to Humans.

