The Wandering Inn Wiki

~Tens Of Thousands Of Years Ago

  • The Gods died in a war.[1]
  • The Elves vanished from the world.[2]

More than 10,000 Years ago

~10, 000 Years Ago

  • The Magus Kingdom of Azervrish, the last kingdom of the Selphids. Under the rule of the [Archmage] Azervrish, the Selphids enslaved every race they could find in Baleros, until the host slaves and an alliance of various nations led to its downfall.[6]

~6,000 Years Ago

  • The kingdom of Calanfer was founded.[7]
  • Creler Wars.[8]

More than 3800 Years Ago

  • Humans invaded Izril and conquer the upper half, which built the legacy of the Five Families.[9]

~3800 Years Ago

Thousands of Years Ago

  • Wistram was established[10]
  • Over a thousand years ago, Redcal, the drake hero, had slain the minotaur king.[11]
  • Fall of the Strygian Empire.[12]

~5000 Years Ago

  • The Demons were first seen on Rhir and started their thousands of years ongoing war against the Humans.[12]

~1863 Years Ago

  • The half-Elven empire finally falls to the combined military forces and they sign numerous peace agreements inconcession for the lives of their citizens [13]

~1500 Years Ago

  • The first keep is built at the place where Reim later stands.[4]

~800 Years ago

  • The castle of Reim is built in the shape it currently has.[4]

653 Years ago

~400 Years Ago

More than 200 Years Ago

  • Ironbreaker conflict. [16]

~215 Years Ago

  • Wistram throws open its doors to the general public. [13]

~200 Years Ago

  • General Ironscale, once owner of the Heartflame Breastplate, died, leading to the Reinharts stealing her armor.[17]

Less than 200 Years Ago

  • Az'kerash was expelled from Wistram.[17]
  • Zelkyr's war - happened before the Gloaning Foothills Invasion.[16]

~172 Years Ago

  • Empire of Minos formally surrenders, ending the War of Horns.[13]

Nearly 150 Years Ago

  • Terandrian Humans invaded Southern Izril. They were defeated by a Drake coalition, including Arcmage Zelkyr.[18] This was possibly the "Gloaning Foothills Invasion", which happened after Zelkyr's war.[16]
  • Death of Archmage Zelkyr and start of Wistram's decline.[19]

Over 100 Years Ago

  • The Necromancer slew the Chieftain of the Gnolls, Kerash, who some had labeled the first ‘King of Gnolls’, and was thus dubbed Az’kerash, or ‘Slayer of Kerash’ by the Gnolls.[20]

~97 Years Ago

  • Various Terandrian Kingdoms declare the Truce of Malcium, ending the continental war.[13]

~68 Years Ago

~60 Years Ago

  • The last time a gnoll received the [Mage] class, until more recent events changed that.[22]

~40 Years Ago

  • The gnolls sent their representative to study at Wistram, who the academy then expelled, stating Gnolls are unsuited to become [Mages]. As a consequence, every gnolls refused to trade to trade with the school.[22]

~33 Years Ago

  • Jelaqua began her carrier as an adventurer.[14]

~32 Years Ago

  • Flos, the King of Destruction, begins his famous campaign[23]

Over 30 Years Ago

  • Tekshia retired from her adventuring career and became the Guildmistress of Liscor's Adventurer Guild.[24]

~30 Years Ago

  • Pomle was founded and its people fought ever since anyone who tried to impose their rules on them.[25]
  • Falene graduated from Wistram.[26]

~ 28 Years Ago

~Year 5 B.F.

  • The Antinium were forced to flee from their home because of the sleeping God beneath the earth of the continent.[29]
  • Death of the Blighted King after the Antinium escape Rhir (unrelated)[30]

~3 B.F.

  • 1st Antinium War (more than 1.1 years after having left Rhir)[31]

~2 B.F

  • 1st Antinium War ended (lasted nearly a year)[32]

~20 Years Ago

~17 Years Ago

  • Death of the Blighted Queen [35]

~15 Years Ago

  • Minotaurs attacked Baleros, although failed.[36]

~12 Years Ago

  • 2nd Antinium War[37]

~11 Years Ago

~10 Years Ago/ ~12 A.F.

  • Goblin King War in Izril.[39] (It was indirectly said that the war happened 10 years ago by saying that the "Goblin King’s rampage coincided with the assault on Liscor and the surrounding area by the Necromancer Az’Kerash")
  • Az'kerash unleashed his legion of the undead on the continent and attacked Liscor.[40]
  • The village that surrounded The Wandering Inn, when it still was in the possession of a human man, was destroyed by the undead armies. (Ch.1.07 says it was a plague that killed all inhabitants, not the undead, so it's not quite clear which one is correct)[41]
  • Part of the Silverfang Tribe, led by Krshia, came to Liscor in hope to gain valuable information or objects that would improve their tribe’s standing.[42]
  • Klbkch and his Hive came to Liscor.[43]
  • Halrac and Ulrien founded Griffon Hunt.[44]
  • Garen and a Goblin with magic met and became friends, and after a while, they were like brothers. After some time they split up to learn and grow stronger, and swore to meet seven years later.[45]

~8 Years Ago

  • Az'kerash found a Hob that could read, and forcefully made him into his apprentice.[45]
  • Orjin beat the previous leader of Pomles and earned the became the new Strongest of Pomle.[25]
  • Mountainkin Incursions, a war involving an army of Trolls and other giant humanoids.[46]

~7 Years Ago

~6 Years Ago

  • Zevara started serving as Liscor's City Watch Captain.[49]
  • The Silver Swords were formed.[50] (Although 5.29 says it happened 8 years ago.)

~4 Years Ago

~3 Years Ago

  • Garen and the Hob with magic fulfilled their promise to meet again. They fought after Garen learn that his friend became a slave, and swore to oppose him if he ever tried to carry out his master plan.[45]
  • The massive Griffin colony incident that nearly cost Griffon Hunt their Gold-rank status.[56]

~2 Years Ago

~Present/ Year 21/22 A.F.[58]


