The Wandering Inn Wiki

Ysara Byres, also known as the Silver Trader, is a member of the Byres Family, and Ylawes and Yvlon's elder sister.


Her most prominent features are her indigo painted hair, long earrings on one ear, and a tattoo on an arm.[1]

After her duel against Comois, she’d lost the tip of one pinkie.[2]


According to Yvlon, she is relaxed compared to the rest of the family.[3] Ysara has something of a wild personality, and enjoys teasing her friends. She deeply cares for her siblings, given that she was willing to leave for Chandrar to help her sister, though she can be exasperated by Ylawes' righteous attitude.


While growing up with her siblings, they were taught swordsmanship. There it was realized that she was gifted with a sword, more that Ylawes. Instead of becoming a [Knight] like her father, Yitton, and Ylawes had wanted her to be, she became a [Merchant]. She now works in the north of Izril as an [Armored Merchant], selling armor.[3]

She however does not actually just sell armor and silver, but actually tends to invest in rare alchemical ingredients, silver being one of those things. She makes good money by knowing what's in stock and being the provider for a number of good [Alchemists]. She has become quite successful, to the point of earning the Silver Trader nickname.

During her career, she meets and befriends Qwera, a fellow [Merchant] known as the Golden Gnoll.[1]


While Yvlon and her teammates were scouting in the Bloodfields, she ventured into wondering how she’d do as a [Merchant], and so she started talking about Ysara.

Yvlon told them how gifted with a sword Ysara is, but instead of becoming a [Knight], she had become a [Merchant]. She kept saying that she was a good one, being an [Armored Merchant] that sells mainly armor, and that she works in the north of Izril.[3]

Ysara met with Qwera again in Beithstrel. After they talked, Qwera sought her out again afterwards to get her help smuggling Mrsha past the Plains Gnolls. She "bought" Mrsha from Qwera and then let Vetn steal her.[1]

She arrived at the Meeting of the Tribes with Qwera to deliver Mrsha to the Silverfang Tribe. Ysara had Qwera by some Demas Metal to by from her later, to get around the fact that it was only being sold to Gnolls.[4]

During the group chat about reviving Erin, she had Qwera petition Nerrhavia's Fallen to release her sister. They found out that she had already been freed.[5]

They would be reunited during the Battle of the Great Plains, when Yvlon and her team arrived to help fight the Plain's Eye alliance.[6]

Powers and Abilities[]

She has a talent with swordsmanship, and is skilled enough to beat [Fencers], even when they’ve used Skills.[3]


  • [Armored Merchant] Lv. ? (At least 34)
    • Advanced from [Merchant]
  • [Lady] Lv. ?

Former Classes:[]


  • [Belay That]
  • [Contact Memory]
  • [Hear Me Out]
  • [Quicksilver Cut]


  • Silversteel Sword with House Byres’ crest.[1]


  • She has excellent swordsmanship to the point that she doesn't need a personal bodyguard outside her caravan’s usual security.[1]
  • She has a bad relationship with her parents because she is a lesbian.[7]


  • (To Qwera) “Have you ever heard of a Wailant Strongheart? I’ve been thinking about killing him because he’s devaluing Sage’s Grass across the south.”
  • (To Mrsha) “Hello, Mrsha. Are you…Mrsha from The Wandering Inn? Of Liscor? My younger sister wrote to me about you.”
  • To Qwera:
    • “Qwera, one second you’re a nurturing, caring individual, the next, you’re a cold-hearted monster of a [Merchant].”
    • “You’re too nervous here, Qwera. You got Mri to safety—and the sky hasn’t fallen! Relax! Here. Have some fruit. Do I need to feed it to you with kisses?”
  • (To Ryoka) “I never felt much joy in victory over monsters or people with the blade. But if you want a warrior, I’d raise a blade and fight for that. Drawing a sword and telling my mother, telling Izril, ‘here I am, come silence me. Try to make me vanish.’ That? I would fight for that.

