The Wandering Inn Wiki

I am the consequences!

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Yvlon Byres is a Human [Silversteel Armsmistress] and a [Lady] of House Byres. Originally the leader of the Silver Spears, before her old teammates were wiped out by Skinner, she is currently a member of the reformed Horns of Hammerad.


Yvlon is a tall, gorgeous woman,[1] with long flowing golden hair,[2] fair skin, great teeth, a shapely nose, and nice ears. She has the faintest trace of a horrible scar across her left face.[3] Her arms were injured after they were fused to metal by a Fire Elemental in Albez. After changing her class to [Silversteel Armsmistress], her arms are now made of silver and steel. Their form is malleable and can be shaped into armor, bludgeons, razors, or their default skin-like form. One of Yvlon's feet is also made of silversteel after being chopped off during Zeladona's Trial of a Thousand Blades.[4]


"Silver and steel!"

- Yvlon's favorite phrase

Yvlon is level-headed and honorable, befitting her being a [Lady] from one of Izril's noble families, though is fierce when fighting. Yvlon is unwavering loyal to her teammates, and considers them her friends. She is especially close with Ksmvr, who she considers as a younger brother. While very straight-laced, her time spent with the Horns of Hammerad has somewhat relaxed her, though she generally disapproves of inappropriate and illegal behavior. While initially considering necromancy to be an abomination and disliked Pisces for being a [Necromancer], Yvlon would come to consider him a friend.

Yvlon possesses a strong sense of justice and fairness, and becomes outraged and upset when others are treated unfairly or when an injustice has occurred. She has strong anger issues, which often manifests in the form of physical violence. She has a tendency to lose her temper, which has only worsened after gaining [Berserker's Rage].

Yvlon has displayed an inferiority complex towards her siblings, and considers herself to be in their shadows.

While thankful that her arms has healed, Yvlon has expressed unease towards her new metallic arms, believing them to be monstrous. While horrified to learn of the possibility of turning completely metal, to the point of vomit,[5] she later reconfigures them to be more arm-like, recreating veins and bones within them so that they become more natural.[6]


She is part of the Byres family, a minor noble family, which is distantly related to the Reinhart family, thus making Yvlon a relative of Magnolia Reinhart.[2]


Powers and Abilities[]


  • [Silversteel Armsmistress] Lv. 42
    • Derived from [Warrior] → [Wounded Warrior]
  • [Dreamer] Lv. 8
  • [Gladiator] Lv. 6
  • [Lady] Lv. 4


  • [Armform]
    • [Armform: Duelist]
    • [Armform: Razorkind]
    • [Armform: Telescoping Flesh]
  • [Berserker’s Rage]
  • [Body: Aspect of Iron]
  • [Body: Aspect of Silver]
  • [Dream Walk]
  • [Helmet Head]
  • [Ignore Pain]
  • [Impact Punch]
  • [Instant Nap]
  • [Keener Edge]
  • [Open the Crossroads of Izril (Gateway)]
  • [Ox’s Charge]
  • [Limb: Imbue Skill]
  • [Lucid Dreaming]
  • [Perfect Recall (Dreams)]
  • [Scented Thoughts]
  • [Silversteel: Structure of Species]
  • [Suresand Step]
  • [Sword Art: Curve of the Moon] / [Arc of the Moon]
    • Derived from [Crescent Cut]
  • [Tangible Concept]
  • [Weakness Feint]

Condition Removed:[]

  • [Plaguesteel (Minor)]

(For Leveling History see Here)

Silverflesh Arms[]

Yvlon's arms are made of silverflesh,. They can slowly regrow if damaged, and are immune to most diseases. They possess a notable weakness to extreme heat and cold.[7]


Current Equipment:[]

  • Chest Plate, Vambraces, Greaves, Helmet and Gauntlets, enchanted to cushion blows and make the metal stronger.
  • [Lightweight] Ring
  • Sword of Weight - Enchanted with [Weight]. It can become over thirty pounds.[8]
    • In 6.66 H, the sword's enchantment broke and became constantly heavy rather than only during swings. It was later repaired by Hedault.
  • Hand mirror spelled for protection and backed with pure silver with further magics that would identify curses, hexes and so on. Will not reflect anything if it is not used by a Byres family member.[3]
  • Sparkhelm - Enchanted to flash a blinding light around the wearer.[9]
  • Ring of Barriers[10]
  • Stalker-hide underarmor[11]

Former Equipment:[]

  • Silver plate armor, sword and shield that were made of the highest-quality steel, an alloy of steel and silver, in fact, a Byres specialty. There wasn’t much silver in them, but they had enough to ward off some monsters and aid in beneficial magics.[3] = Melted down during the fight against the Fire Elemental.[12] Some of it fused with her arms.[13]
  • Forceshield Buckler.[14] = Given to Ksmvr.[15]


  • According to Ryoka, Yvlon looks like something out of a movie.[2] She is described to be everything Erin had ever dreamed of when she’d occasionally wondered if she could be a knight like one of her chess pieces, or someone like Indiana Jones or even a superhero.[16]
  • She resembles Lyon to a certain degree, though Yvlon has about a head of height on her and more muscles.[1]
  • Yvlon's former equipment was made by a Level 32 [Blacksmith]. It was the armament of a [Knight], even though Yvlon was only a [Warrior].[3]
  • Just like her siblings, she is unable to use magic, not being even able to figure out how to cast a [Light] spell.[17]
  • When she was still leading the Silver Spears, Yvlon was a Level 22 [Warrior].[18]
  • Yvlon has three siblings[19], one of them being her older brother, Ylawes, and the other being two yet to be revealed sisters.[20] In 6.64 this was changed just one sister.
  • While somewhat estranged from her family after the first disastrous attack on Liscor's crypt, Yvlon continued to write letters to her older sister Ysara.[21]
  • Yvlon is the only member of the Horns that Ksmvr does not usually use a title for; "Yvlon", as opposed to "Captain Ceria" and "Comrade Pisces."
  • She is the first member of the Horns of Hammerad to reach level 40 in a class. Furthermore, no Byres has reached level 40 in a hundred and sixty years before her.[22]

